Terms of Sale

Terms of Sale

Terms and Conditions of Sale

General Terms

These Terms and Conditions apply to HBF Textiles sales for shipments in the contiguous United States and Canada. These Terms and Conditions do not apply to orders from or shipments to offshore locations. All orders are subject to approval and acceptance by HBF Textiles. HBF Textiles reserves the right to refuse to sell to a customer if the customer is not in good credit standing or requires special credit arrangements. By placing an order with HBF Textiles, customer agrees that the transaction shall be governed by these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions apply to all orders and can only be modified by written authorization of an authorized representative of HBF Textiles.

Ordering Information

To expedite order entry and ensure proper service, please email all orders direct to orders@hbftextiles.com. Failure to provide complete and accurate information may result in delayed order entry and acknowledgment or rejection. 

All fabrics are sold in one-half (1/2) yard increments. There is a one (1) yard minimum per colorway per order. 

All leathers are sold by the square foot with a minimum purchase of one hide per colorway per order. 

Leather hides vary in size based on the leather quality. Below are the average hide sizes for each HBF Leather. Average hide sizes are subject to change due to the availability of raw material.

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Hides are irregularly shaped, natural materials. Therefore, the entire surface of a hide is not usable even with the highest quality leathers. For upholstery purposes, the industry-wide formula for converting required yards to square feet is 18 square feet equals one (1) linear yard of 54” fabric. This conversion is based on a 50 square foot average hide and takes waste into account. The industry formula is provided as a guideline only. Depending on furniture manufacturer’s COL requirements, cutting yield can vary. It is best practice to confirm the furniture manufacturer or fabricator’s calculations for cutting yield. 

Within the square footage of each HBF Leather, there will be visible natural markings such as neck wrinkles, fat wrinkles, healed scars, insect bites, and other signatures of nature. All of which are natural characteristics of leather.

Pricing and Terms of Payment

All prices posted are in U.S. dollars. Prices are subject to change without notice. All orders are subject to prices in effect at the time of order entry. Orders with ship dates greater than 90 days from the date of order entry are subject to price review and product availability. Posted prices do not include taxes or charges for shipping and handling. All such taxes and charges will be added to your merchandise total and will be itemized on your order confirmation.  

If credit has not been established, full prepayment is required, including shipping (see HBF Textiles Freight Program) and applicable tax. HBF Textiles accepts MasterCard, Visa, American Express and PayPal. No credit card usage fees apply to HBF Textiles orders. 

To inquire about account terms, contact orders@hbftextiles.com

HBF Textiles may cancel, change credit terms or request pre-payment at any time.

Sales Tax

Unless an approved tax exemption form is provided at the time of order submission, sales tax will be charged based on the ship to address or final destination (if provided) on your purchase order. Specific state tax exemption forms must be properly completed and signed to be kept on file for future orders.


HBF Textiles provides a fixed freight rate at the time of order placement. Expedited services are available at an additional charge for domestic shipments.

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Third Party Freight

For third party billing accounts, account name and billing number must be provided at the time of order submission for appropriate billing. In the event that a preferred carrier is required, please include carrier name and billing information on your submitted purchase order. In the case that improper or inaccurate account information is provided, HBF Textiles will bill the customer for freight charges on a separate invoice from the original order.


HBF Textiles will reserve fabrics for 10 working days from the time of request with an option to extend for an additional 5 working days. During this time, HBF Textiles will not release the reserved fabric to other customers. Reserves release at the end of day on the expiration date. 

When placing a purchase order on reserved fabric, the provided reserve number must be clearly notated on the purchase order.

Reserves are not available on Sale/Closeout fabrics.

Cuttings for Approval

HBF Textiles adheres to quality control methods to ensure color variations between production lots are within commercially acceptable standards. Keep in mind that subjective and objective views of color, hue, shade, tint and tone will naturally be perceived uniquely by each individual. If exact color match is required, a cutting for approval (CFA) may be requested. While CFA requests are processed, a reserve will be held for 10 working days from date of receipt. If you do not respond within 10 working days with CFA approval or rejection, the order is subject to cancellation.

Please note that HBF Leather may have natural variances in color and shade within a hide. As a natural characteristic of leather, HBF Textiles is not responsible for shade variance within a hide based on commercially accepted standards.

Order Changes & Cancellations

Once an order is submitted for processing, the order is considered final and all order changes are subject to approval by HBF Textiles. Please contact HBF Textiles Client Experience at service@hbftextiles.com for the status of your order prior to cancelling. No cancellations are accepted once any fabric on your order has been cut. If fabric has not been cut, cancellations are subject to a 15% handling charge.

In stock orders processed (with full payment) will ship with 24 hours from receipt of order.


HBF Textiles does not generally accept returned product. No returns are accepted 60 days from invoice date. All return requests require an HBF Textiles’ return authorization. Authorized returns are subject to a 25% restocking fee and must be received in usable condition. No returns are accepted once you cut the fabric/leather. If HBF Textiles issues a return authorization, all returns must be made within 30 days after the return authorization is issued. You will be credited once the fabric/leather is received at HBF Textiles’ premises. HBF Textiles will not cover original freight charges. 



HBF Textiles provides fabric and leather memo samples upon request. Please order samples at HBFTextiles.com or contact us at service@hbftextiles.com for assistance.

Standard 2-day service applies to all memo sample shipments. If overnight service is required, please contact service@hbftextiles.com.

Special Finishes

HBF Textiles provides special finishes and backings applications at an additional charge. Please allow a minimum of 2 weeks for
processing. For fabric shrinkage, allow an additional 2 yards per colorway per roll shipped for any finishing process listed below. Special
finishes may also have extended lead times. HBF Textiles will not be responsible for orders received without the minimum yardage
allowance as outlined below.

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Note: Only available on fabrics that already have Alta™ applied.

Please review the Fabric Finishing Approval Matrix attached to the Finishing and Backings Pricelist for a complete list of fabrics approved for additional finishes and backers.

HBF Textiles is not responsible for resultant change in the fabrics' hand, color, dimensions, nor the fabrics’ satisfactory compliance to specified codes. If a trial is required, please contact service@hbftextiles.com prior to ordering.

Additional finishing is not approved on leather and coated fabrics/polyurethanes.

All sales where additional finishes or backers are applied are FINAL.

Custom Fabrics

Custom fabrics are approved upon request. Contact service@hbftextiles.com for inquiries. Custom fabrics are subject to separate terms and conditions as specified by HBF Textiles.

Fabric Maintenance

For detailed care and maintenance instructions, please visit HBFTextiles.com

Cleaning methods may vary from pattern to pattern. Please review the product specific cleaning instructions for each pattern on the product pages of the HBF Textiles website.

For general cleaning: HBF Textiles upholstery fabrics should be vacuumed occasionally to maintain their quality and appearance. For spot cleaning, all surfaces should be wiped clean of any solid material or soil (organic and inorganic materials) prior to the application of approved cleaning agents or disinfectants. Always defer to the guidelines and recommendations provided in the product maintenance guide prior to application of a cleaning or disinfectant and consult a professional cleaning service when available. For cleaning of draperies and wallcovering, consult a professional cleaning service to obtain proper care and maintenance information.

Leather Maintenance

Individual care and maintenance guides are available on the product pages of HBFTextiles.com.

Leather is a natural material wherein all hides are unique with varying characteristics, textures and hues. Leather may exhibit markings including scars, scratches, spine delineation and neck and belly wrinkles. The quantity and severity of visual scarring and color variation can vary from hide to hide and should be expected for specific leathers within the HBF Textiles offering.

Polyurethane Maintenance

See individual product maintenance provided on the product pages of each HBF Textiles’ polyurethanes. HBF Textiles is not responsible for any cleaners or disinfectants unless specifically provided in HBF Textiles’ care instructions. A minimum of 6 stitches per inch is recommended for coated fabrics. 

Manufacturing Recommendations

HBF Textiles recommends using a minimum of 6-8 stitches per inch for woven fabrics and a minimum ½ inch seam grab. Care should be taken to use the proper needle size relative to the type of fabric that is being sewn. For textile products that have a backing, be sure to trim both selvages so that the stitching/sewing is within a minimum ½ inch grab in the backed area.

Color Matching

Commercially acceptable color variations may occur among production lots. Due to the nature of individual computers and monitors, actual fabric and product colors may vary slightly from what is seen online. Irregularities in hue and texture are integral to the character of textiles utilizing natural fibers; as such, color matches cannot always be guaranteed. If an exact color match is required, a cutting for approval must be requested when an order is placed.


All HBF Textiles are carefully inspected and securely packed prior to shipment. They are accepted as such by the carrier. HBF Textiles is not responsible for damages incurred in transit by third party carriers or storage. Before accepting goods from the carrier, examine the shipment carefully. Claims against HBF Textiles for defects, errors or shortages must be emailed to service@hbftextiles.com within 15 days of delivery. Cutting of the textiles will be deemed acceptance of the material and waiver of all defects, errors or shortages.

Disclaimer and Warranty

HBF Textiles may substitute fiber content and/or yarn at its discretion and change sources and country of origin when it deems necessary without prior notification. HBF Textiles is not responsible for reverse crocking; color fastness due to aging or extreme exposure to artificial or natural sunlight; variations in leather such as scars, wrinkles, and other marks; or discrepancies in fabric widths.

HBF Textiles’ products meet or exceed the Association for Contract Textiles quality and performance standards as denoted by the ACT symbols on each product page. HBF Textiles makes no implied warranties, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Except as expressly provided in this warranty, HBF Textiles is not responsible for any consequential, incidental, indirect, special, treble, exemplary, or punitive damages including, but not limited to, loss of profit, loss of earnings, loss of business opportunity, loss of goodwill or personal injury damages.

HBF Textiles warrants its products to be free from defects in material for a period of 1 year from date of shipment, except as noted below. This warranty applies only to the original purchaser and is non-transferable. The warranty is valid for single shift use, under normal conditions with proper maintenance, and for the purpose intended. This warranty is enforceable only if the products were acquired from HBF Textiles.

If a product fails during the warranty period as a result of a defect in material, HBF Textiles will, at its sole discretion, either refund or replace the product (or a mutually agreed upon alternative) free of charge. This warranty does not include any labor costs.

This warranty does not apply to product failure or loss resulting from:

  • Normal wear and tear
  • Acts of nature, civil disobedience, or social unrest
  • Failure to apply, install, clean, or maintain products according to published HBF Textiles or manufacturer instructions and guidelines
  • Physical or chemical abuse, misuse, neglect, or accident
  • Alteration or modification of the product, including aftermarket finishing applied after purchase
  • Unauthorized repair of the product
  • Products exposed to extreme environmental conditions, direct sunlight, or improper storage
  • Products exposed to outdoor use, unless approved for outdoor conditions
  • Damage caused by mold or mildew
  • Improper storage or handling, including velvet materials
  • Damaged caused by third party carriers
  • Damage caused by furniture manufacturing, subcontractors, or agents
  • Color fastness due to aging or extreme exposure to artificial or natural sunlight
  • Products purchased “as is”, used or second-hand